Duplicate files show in my game!
If you see duplicate content in your game, here's what to check:
- check the creations in the game to ensure they ARE duplicates (some thumbnail images can look extremely similar and can be misleading)
- ensure you don't have the same creation in different sub folders inside your mods folder
- if you use the TSR CC Manager, ensure you don't have a copy of the content in CC Manager AND a copy loose in your mods folder (quickest way to do this is uninstall the content from CC Manager then check your game to see if there is now just one copy. If so, you have the same file loose somewhere in your mods folder.
If you only use the TSR CC Manager and you see duplicates in your game, this can happen occasionally when the database it uses becomes muddled.
To fix it, open TSR CC Manager, and...
- Ensure you're on the LIBRARY tab (these are creations installed in your game)
- Expand the creation in CC Manager and click VIEW ON TSR to open its web page (leave this open so you can find it easily for downloading again)
- Back in CC Manager, click UNINSTALL
Repeat these steps for each creation.
- open the DOWNLOADS tab
- select all the affected files
- click DELETE
- Check your game to ensure the creations HAVE been removed (if not, you do have another copy somewhere in your mods folder)
- Go to all the web pages you opened above
- Download each creation with CC Manager
- check your game - you should now only have one copy of each creation