Introduction and Overview

Welcome to TSR’s new Creator’s Corner! This article is a basic overview of the different areas within the Creator’s Corner, and how content moves around between them at different stages of the submission process.

There are currently several different sections within the Creator’s Corner, and we’ll go through them one by one to show what the purpose of each section is.

Welcome to TSR

The “Welcome To TSR” tab is the starting page when you first open the Creator’s Corner. If you need to double check any guidelines that you aren’t sure about, check here.


The Upload section is where you will go when you want to start a new submission. This is the start of the submissions process, and can also be accessed by the “Create New” button at the top of the screen:

This is where you upload your files, images, and provide details about your creation. This process follows a step-by-step flow, with each step outlined as you go along with the intention of it being easy to follow along with.

My Creations

The My Creations area is an overview of all of the content that you’ve uploaded into the Creator’s Corner, and have also submitted. There are two sections within the My Creations area: 

Submissions Team for Approval” lists the items that you have submitted for approval. These items are in a pending stage while they are waiting for the Submissions Team to finish reviewing them.

Depending on the type of content, when it was submitted, and how busy the Submissions Team is overall, approval will not be instant. 

My Uploads” will show the rest of your creations that are somewhere in the system, all in one place. Items that are already published will be listed with a “Published on:” date.

Items that have not been published yet can still be edited by clicking on the pencil icon.

Items that have been Approved, or Published, cannot be edited at will. If you do try to edit one of these items, you'll be prompted to send an Update Request to the Submissions Team.

Editing Queue

The Editing Queue is where all of your “in progress” submissions are located that have not yet been submitted for approval. 

If you check off one or more items in your Editing Queue, buttons at the top will become active to allow you to either “Submit” or “Delete” the selected items. 

An item cannot be Submitted until it shows the green “Completed” status. If any required fields are still empty for anything in your queue, you’ll see a notice letting you know. 

The Magnifying Glass icon will show a preview of what your content will look like once published on site, but this feature is currently not active, pending updates to the main site.

The pencil icon will open that creation for editing, which will basically be the same area as when you were first uploading it. You can open anything in your Editing Queue and save your progress as you go an unlimited number of times. If you’ve previously started a submission but did not finish it, this is how you resume editing it.

The “>” arrow button will expand the details panel for that creation. This lists all of the details you’ve provided, such as the description, tags, categories, images, etc. 

Note that there is a section at the bottom that facilitates communication with the Submissions Team:

If you’ve previously submitted this item and it was rejected, details of the rejection will be listed here. 

If you have a question or an issue with your content or the submissions process and wish to contact the Submissions Team about it, you can do so by clicking the green “Contact Submissions Team” button. You can attach files (package files, meshes, textures, etc) or images as needed for whatever the issue is.

The “Testing” tab will only be used if your creation requires in-game testing. TSR requires that many types of content be tested in the game to verify functionality. The submissions team will automatically handle the testing procedure as needed, you won’t have to do anything in regards to this unless your content fails testing for some reason. If your content had to be tested, the results will be here with any notes from the testers. (If you have an item that fails testing, you’ll also be notified in the “Needs Attention” area.)

The “Reports” will show you any reports that users have filed for your content. (Reports can be filed by users on the main site using the “Report this Download” button.) Reports are monitored by the Submissions Team, and content is tested accordingly to verify if any reports are accurate. If a piece of your content does have an issue, you’ll be expected to resolve it and update the creation with the fixed file. 

Note: In some cases, such as after a patch that adds or changes functionality of an entire class of content that has resulted in widespread errors, TSR may perform an automated “Batch Fix” that will attempt to automatically fix whatever the issue is in applicable content. If an automated batch fix fails on a specific item, then it’ll be up to the creator to fix it.

Awaiting Approval

The “Awaiting Approval” section will show you any content that you have submitted to the Submissions Team for review. 

While in this stage, you may see a couple of different status messages, such as “Queued for approval” or "Queued for testing.” 

If you need to edit an item after it has been queued for approval, doing so will withdraw it back to your Editing Queue. You can manually check off an item (or multiple items) and click the “Withdraw” button at the top of the section, or you can also simply click on the Edit button (the pencil icon) on a creation. You will then be prompted to confirm that you wish to withdraw the item back to the Editing Queue.

Once you have finished editing the item, you can resubmit it back into Awaiting Approval.


The “Approved” section will show you any of your content that has been checked by the Submissions Team, has passed testing (if testing was deemed necessary) and is now scheduled to be published on site.

Anything approved will be tagged with the date that it’s being published. (Publication dates are assigned by the Submissions Team.)

If you need to edit anything that’s already Approved, clicking the Edit button (the pencil icon) will prompt you that the item will be moved back to the Editing Queue.

If you withdraw an item to edit it, that item will lose its “Approved” status. The Submissions Team will then have to re-check your content in order to approve any changes you’ve made. 


The “Published” section will show you any of your content that has been published in the past, and that is currently available on site for users to download. 

If you need to update a published item, you can click the “Edit” button (The pencil icon) and you’ll get a prompt that you’ll have to contact the Submissions Team in order to make an update request.

If you choose “Yes,” you’ll get a window that will prompt you to enter a message about what the purpose of the update is, what you’ve fixed/changed, etc. You can attach your new files to the Update Request for the Submissions Team to review, along with any images that have had to be updated or changed as a result of the file update. 

Once the Submissions Team checks your updated files and/or images, they will either approve or deny the update. If the update is approved, you’ll get a message letting you know that the update has been completed. If the update is denied, you’ll get a message and the Submissions Team will explain why they’ve denied the update.

You can see the Update history of an item by clicking on the “>” arrow of the item from within the Published tab, and then scrolling down to the Updates tab.

If you expand an update by clicking on the “>” button, you’ll be able to see your message and whichever files/images were attached, as well as having the option to “Delete” an update request. Only requests that are still in “Open” status can be deleted. 

Other tabs in this area include any previous rejection history from before the item was published, any messages that you’ve sent to the Submissions Team regarding this item (not including update requests), any details from any in-game testing that was required by your content, and any reports that users have placed in regards to issues with this content. Information pertaining to these items may also be displayed in other relevant locations at the time of an incident (such as a rejection or a report), but the full history will always be visible from within this area.

Needs Attention

The “Needs Attention” area is, as the name implies, where you will see notifications and content that has some kind of issue that requires your attention. 

The three areas within this section are Rejected, Failed Testing, and User Reports.


The Rejected area will show you any of your submissions that have been rejected by the Submissions Team. 

You can expand the > arrow and go down to the Rejections Tab to see what the reasons for the rejection were:

(Rejections will also appear in your Messages area. Once in the Messages area, there is a separate tab for Rejections.You can check rejections and, if needed, reply to them from either area.)

Once you have reviewed the rejection of an item, you can check it off and click the “Withdraw” button to move that item back to your Editing Queue. Once you’ve corrected whatever the issue was the triggered the rejection, you can then resubmit that creation.

Failed Testing

Some content will require in-game testing to ensure proper functionality before being published. If you content had to be tested and an issue was found, it’ll appear here.

If you expand the details using the “>” button, you can go down to the Testing tab to see the details of the failed test:

Once you have reviewed the test results, you can check off the item from the Failed Testing section and click the “Withdraw” button in order to move that content back to your Editing Queue. Once you’ve corrected whatever the issue is that caused it to fail testing, you can then resubmit that item again.


The Reported section will show you any of your published content that has received a user report. If a user encounters an issue of any kind with your content and reports it, this is where those reports will appear for you to check.

As a creator, you are expected to maintain your content and correct any issues that arise from game updates and patches. The Submissions Team also monitors these reports for all artists and all content. 

Some large issues stemming from game updates are often batch-fixed on our entire server, and in such cases, you may have reports of these issues that will require no action from you. However, if the issue is specific to just your content, then you will be expected to resolve it. 

If you are inactive for an extended length of a time, or otherwise are non-responsive to the Submissions team, any of your published content that is truly broken may be unpublished from the site.

As the Submissions Team is also monitoring reports, they may clear reports on your behalf if the report is found to be spam, or if it’s something that doesn’t require you to manually fix anything.


The Messages section facilitates communications between you and the Submissions Team. There are two tabs: Inbox and Rejections.

General messages will go to your Inbox, while any messages pertaining to a rejection will instead be filtered out into the Rejections tab.

To prevent confusion, all messages are linked to the submission that the message is about. In order to send a new message to the Submissions Team:

  • Find the item you wish to contact them about in whatever section it is currently in - whether that be Editing Queue, Awaiting Approval, Approved, Published, etc. (The only exception would be that you can’t do this from within My Creations.)
  • Click the “>” button to expand the details of that creation.
  • Scroll down to the Messages tab, and there will be a button for “Contact Submissions Team” that will let you send them a new message, linked to whichever creation you have selected.
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