Troubleshooting incorrect folder paths

By default, the TSR Custom Content Manager will set up your downloads to install to Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 (or other game version number).  This is the folder created by the game for custom content and so the CC Manager must use that same path.  

However, there can be issues when inadvertently selecting the wrong path, or installing a new version of the CC Manager over an older version that was already using the wrong path.  When this happens, much of your content will be missing and the log will often be full of Failed to get file errors.

Once the wrong path has been set, it cannot be changed within the CC Manager easily so you will need to follow this guidance.

The following steps use Sims 4 as an example, but the same applies to other game versions too, so just substitute '4' with your game...

1. Uninstall existing CC Manager content

  1. Open the TSR CC Manager
  2. Click the LIBRARY tab
  3. Tick both Show Enabled and Show Disabled boxes
  4. Uninstall EVERYTHING - including sets as well as their individual items (your files won't be lost - they're just moved from LIBRARY to DOWNLOADS, and removed from your game temporarily).  Make sure everything is uninstalled.

2. Look for any incorrect folders

  1. Open your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder
  2. If there is another Mods folder inside your Mods folder, delete it (this results from a previous wrong path setting)
  3. Open the TSRLibrary folder and delete everything inside it

3. Try browsing for the correct paths yourself

  1. Click SETTINGS
  3. Look for the folder Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 and select this.
  4. Close and restart the CC Manager, then reinstall your content from the DOWNLOADS tab to the LIBRARY tab

If the above did not work, you might need to carry out more extensive troubleshooting...

4. Uninstall the TSR CC Manager from your computer

  1. Move all your files back from the LIBRARY tab to the DOWNLOADS tab again
  2. Perform a complete reset and clean-install

A note about Onedrive

If your Documents folder is sat in a OneDrive path, then Microsoft's OneDrive is backing up this folder.  PLEASE ALWAYS pause OneDrive synching before downloading anything with the CC Manager.  This is VITAL.  If you don't, OneDrive will lock the file to back it up, and the installation with CC Manager will be interrupted, breaking the file completely.

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